'|| A poem on #worldnotobaccoday ||'


The Return

Children don't need alcohol or drugs
because they're intoxicated by the world.

They don't need to accumulate possessions
because the world already belongs to them.

They don't need to fill the future with ambitions
because they have the present.

Children only need to be
because being has a natural harmony
when you have no sense of separateness
and are part of the world's flowing nowness

But when we become adults, self withdraws
like an injured athlete, who can't participate anymore.
We watch the world glumly, from a distance,
and miss the exhilaration of the game
and the joy of belonging to the whole.

And from our distant vantage point,
the world which once seemed so miraculous
becomes familiar and mundane
as if an oasis has turned grey and arid.

And because we've lost the joy of being
we give ourselves to having and doing.
But nothing that we achieve or gain
ever compensates us for our loss.

And our yearning for drugs and distractions
is a need to numb the pain of estrangement.
Our impulse to accumulate
is a need to strengthen our fragile selves.

And all of our spiritual striving
is an urge to to transcend our separateness
so that we can become children again.

Poem writter:- SteveTalor _'
